Experiencing high school in the midst of a global pandemic

2 min readFeb 1, 2022

Little did I know, that on March 12, 2020 the world was going to change forever.

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant worldwide impact on the lives of more than 1.6 billion students and their schooling.

On a personal level, I started high school at the start of the pandemic and am now about to enter my final year of high school.

This was certainly not the “high school experience” I had in mind.

But, it happened. And we learned, we grew, we tried new ways of teaching and learning and connecting and socializing.

But, none of us saw it coming.

I like to say that I’m living through something historical, something that will be in the books of history in say 10, 20, 30 years. Why? Because the last 2 (or 3, I don’t know) years have been life-changing. World-changing. Something like we’ve never seen before.

Now, let’s pause for a second.

Let’s take a look from a student’s perspective.

“Over the past year, I have grown more as a person than I think I ever will, and I am fairly certain many others would agree with me.” — Logan Wagner

“We rely on social interaction to get us through our day, we rely on loved ones to stay together. But when all of that is thrown out the window, who else will you expect it from?” — Logan Wagner

“When my school principal announced the closing of my high school, it was a moment of pure felicity. Everyone was shouting, hearts bursting with joy of getting away from school and minds filled with a delicious imagination of relaxation and fun.” — Adele Zhao

“Everybody, whether we are strangers, or close friends, are living through the same experience. We are physically distanced, but in some ways, as a community, closer than we have ever been, even if we are six feet apart.” — Munya Haddara

There is always light at the end of the tunnel. We are almost near the end. Let’s stay strong, stay safe, stay happy.




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